
The module has been built into a docker container that can be found on docker hub. by design the container does not need a command to be specified at runtime, as the ENTRYPOINT has been set to gitlab-management. Therefore you only need to specify the arguments for gitlab-management. If you fail to specify any arguments in the docker run command, gitlab-management help will be displayed


To Build, execute the following:

python3 sdist bdist_wheel
docker build . --no-cache -t nofusscomputing/gitlab-management:$(cat dist/version)-alpine


To run the docker image, execute to following:

WORKING_DIR=/Config && docker run -v $PWD:$WORKING_DIR -w $WORKING_DIR nofusscomputing/gitlab-management:$(cat dist/version)-alpine {Arguments}
Note: substitute {Arguments} with the switches for gitlab-management, i.e. -h for help.